Today was the day! I’ve started! And I already diverted from my originally prepared route, meaning I actually rode non of it :-)
I slept reasonably well last night. Was awake around 430 and got out of bed around 600. Then had breakfast with Phil and Veronica, and then left :-) Phil rode with me for the first bit and proposed to take a more scenic route, so that’s what we did! And it was absolutely stunning, following the shore line out of the city and entering increasingly empty areas! I think i’m starting to get this whole New Zealand hype :-)
Phil turned around after 50k and I must say that that moment I felt a bit like Sam from the scene in Lord of the Rings in which he stopped walking and stated that he had never been further away from home before. That actually also applied to me at that moment. Left to my own devices...
So I ended up riding a 124k and climbing some 1500 meters. With yesterday’s ride up mt Eden that makes that after my first day of riding, I already rode 33k extra and climbed some 600m more than originally planned. It was a pretty tough ride though, mainly because of the relentless fierceness of the sun and probably the final remains of my jetlag. I guess i’m not going to bed very late tonight... Eyes are already falling shut while writing this :-)
Total count: 134k, 1650m up
The Pacific Ocean. Cycling right next to it!
Outskirts of Auckland, nature got impressive quite fast..
Meandering away of the coast, just to find it again later..
The clouds were quite welcome as they provided some protection from the relentless sun...
Pacific Coast Scenic Highway!
Mãori boats
Just wow
It’s just endless continuous rolling hills
Back to the see again...
Took a nap in the shade of this tree, just to cool down a bit and give in to my urge to sleep...
I woke up next to a new friend. He didn’t seem to be too impressed with me...
It already looks like hobbit land. Colors and light are just stunning...
And they have trees as well!
Pitched the tent! Hope I still know how to sleep in one....