20/01/26 Day 2, Guangzhou to Auckland

One of the reasons why a visit to New Zealand has never been very high on my to do list, is because it’s just so incredibly far away. And far away probably also means expensive! Especially to get there... I always figured that there is more than enough nice stuff to discover closer to home! And yet I’m still heading there...

So the available time I had in February was one of the reasons to choose for New Zealand. I’m looking forward to the sun, higher temperatures and longer days. Another factor that pulled me over the line, is that with all the flying I do for my work (shame shame shame on me) I could get really cheap tickets to do some more flying (even more ashamed). €300 + 100.000 frequent flyer miles really felt like a one time opportunity for a return ticket, although I do really think the frequent flyer system is a bit unhealthy.

Anyways... New Zealand is quite far away. I took a 10 hour flight to Guangzhou, then had an 8 hour layover and right now i’m finishing up a flight of well over 11 hours. Total travel time: some 30 hours! I honestly must say I made it through pretty well. Hopefully the Jet lag won’t be too bad.

We’re about to land.I really can’t believe I’m actually here... 

Made it to China!

As my 8 hour layover was to short for a transit visum, I arranged a room in the airside transit hotel, allowing for a proper 7 hour sleep during the layover.

Spent the last hour in the lounge having breakfast. Very kind of CSAIR as they are no longer part of skyteam...

Plane number 2 awaiting!